Agricultural land > % of land area | 10.06 % of land area |
Agricultural land > sq. km | 228,000 sq. km |
Agricultural machinery > tractors | 2,430 |
Arable and permanent cropland | 220 thousand hectares |
Arable land > % of land area | 2.96 % of land area |
Arable land > hectares | 6,700,000 hectares |
Cereal production | 111 thousand metric tons |
Cereal yield > kg per hectare | 766.7 kg/ha |
Crop production index | 96.7 % |
Fertilizer use | 22.7 kg |
Food production index | 97.5 % |
Labor share | 39.9% |
Meat production | 24 thousand metric tons |
Products coffee, sugar, palm oil, rubber, tea, quinine, cassava, palm oil, bananas, root crops, corn, fruits; wood products A hectare is 10000 square meters |