Population | 68,692,542 (2009 estimate) |
Population growth |
Population growth rate | 3.21 percent (2009 estimate) |
Projected population in 2025 | 109,674,758 (2009 estimate) |
Projected population in 2050 | 189,310,849 (2009 estimate) |
Population density | 30 persons per sq km (2009 estimate) |
| 78 persons per sq mi (2009 estimate) |
Urban/rural distribution |
Share urban | 33 percent (2005 estimate) |
Share rural | 67 percent (2005 estimate) |
Largest cities, with population |
Kinshasa | 5,277,000 (2003 estimate) |
Lubumbashi | 1,140,000 (2007 estimate) |
Kisangani | 417,517 (1994 estimate) |
Ethnic groups |
There are more than 200 African ethnic groups. The largest culture groups are the Lunda, Luba, Kuba, Bakongo (Kongo), Mongo, Mangbetu, and Azande. Other Bantu, Nilo-Saharan, African-Asian, European, and Asian groups also exist. |
Languages |
French (official), Lingala, Kikongo, Tshiluba, Swahili, other indigenous languages |
Religious affiliations |
Christian | 95 percent |
Roman Catholic | 52 percent |
Protestant | 20 percent |
Other Christian | 23 percent |
Muslim | 2 percent |
Indigenous beliefs | 2 percent |
Other | 1 percent |
Health and Education |
Life expectancy |
Total | 54.4 years (2009 estimate) |
Female | 56.2 years (2009 estimate) |
Male | 52.6 years (2009 estimate) |
Infant mortality rate | 81 deaths per 1,000 live births (2009 estimate) |
Literacy rate |
Total | 89.8 percent (2005 estimate) |
Female | 84.9 percent (2005 estimate) |
Male | 95 percent (2005 estimate) |
Economy |
Gross domestic product (GDP, in U.S.$) | $9 billion (2007) |
GDP per capita (U.S.$) | $143.50 (2007) |
GDP by economic sector |
Agriculture, forestry, fishing | 42.5 percent (2007) |
Industry | 28.4 percent (2007) |
Services | 29.1 percent (2007) |
Monetary unit |
1 Congolese franc, consisting of 100 centimes |
Major trade partners for exports |
Belgium, United States, Zimbabwe, Finland, and Italy |
Major trade partners for imports |
South Africa, Belgium, Nigeria, France, and Kenya |